Friends, do you notice when we use our cars, sometimes various warning signals or “alerts” appear on the car’s dashboard, specifically around the windshield wiper area?
Today, the CarVille Club emergency roadside assistance will explain the meanings of these warning signals and provide some basic advice to avoid car malfunctions while using the vehicle. These warning signals are designed to turn off when we start the engine. However, if the engine is running and the warning signals appear, it means there is a problem with our car’s systems.

1. Engine warning signal:
The engine warning light on the dashboard indicates that there is an issue with the car’s engine. If the warning light is on while the car can still be driven, pay attention to other measurements and warning lights that accompany it. Particularly, pay attention to overheating issues, as driving in this condition could cause internal engine damage. If you notice this warning signal while driving, park the car in a safe spot and have it inspected by a nearby service center. If the car cannot be driven, use towing services or roadside assistance to take the car to a service center.
2. Battery warning signal:
When we start the engine, the battery warning light should not be illuminated. If it appears, it indicates a problem with the electrical charging system, often caused by a faulty alternator or a depleted battery. If you encounter this issue while driving, find a safe place to stop and turn off all unnecessary electrical components, like air conditioning and radio, to conserve battery power.
3. Brake Air warning signal:
This warning light will illuminate when we turn the ignition to ON, and it should disappear once the engine starts. However, if it appears while we are driving, it means that the stability control systems are engaged due to the car losing stability. In this case, drive cautiously and take the car to a service center for inspection.
4. Surprised Face warning signal:
This warning sign indicates that the engine is overheating and that there is a fault. Possible causes include leaking coolant hoses, a malfunctioning water pump, or a non-working cooling fan. If the engine temperature rises and you see this warning signal, find a safe place to pull over and call for assistance. Continued driving could lead to engine damage, like warped cylinder heads or blown head gaskets.
5. Thermometer warning signal:
This warning signal means that the engine is running hot and indicates that the coolant is not circulating properly. Causes may include a punctured coolant reservoir, a faulty seal, or coolant leakage. If the engine temperature rises and you see this warning signal while driving, pull over to a safe location and turn off the engine immediately. Call for a mechanic or a service center to come and inspect the situation.
6. Oil Can warning signal:
The oil can warning signal indicates that there is a low oil level or an oil pressure problem in the engine. If this warning light appears while driving, stop the car immediately in a safe place and check the engine oil level. If it is low, add the appropriate oil type to the required level. If the problem persists, seek assistance from a service center.