
Things to Know about 9 Chronic Diseases That Increase Driving Risk

To reduce the risk for yourself and decrease accidents on the road.

  1. Heart Disease: Chest tightness may occur when driving for long periods or stressed due to traffic congestion.
  2. Epilepsy: Seizures may cause stiffness and involuntary jerking without awareness.
  3. Diabetes: Symptoms like dizziness, tremors, and poor concentration.
  4. Brain Disorders: Symptoms include forgetfulness, occasional driving confusion, and slow decision-making.
  5. Parkinson’s Disease: Symptoms include rigidity, trembling hands and feet, leading to slower actions.
  6. Arthritis and Joint Degeneration: Back pain from deteriorating bones may hinder long drives.
  7. Eye-Related Diseases: Driving at night becomes unclear due to vision impairment.
  8. Brain Blood Vessel Disease: Slower response time to various stimuli.
  9. Sedative Medications: Causes drowsiness, confusion, and disorientation while driving.

If you have any of these chronic diseases or risks, avoiding driving is best for safety for yourself and fellow passengers. If necessary, let others drive or use public transportation services.

With care from CarWorld Club.